Thursday, November 29, 2012

When in Texas...

Drive, drive, drive! :) A few weeks ago, Jay and I took a roadtrip down to see his Aunt and Uncle and my baby brother. It was well timed, right before Andy's birthday, and right before I left for my new job (a separate post for that later).

Jay and I left super early in the morning...we were able to see the sun rise against Pikes Peak.

 We definitely knew we were in Texas....

We stopped for a night to stay with Jay's Aunt and Uncle. A nice meal and a great visit were in perfect order. Next time we'll have to stay for longer!!

We got to the town Andy's living in the next day. We managed to hit the Fort Worth Zoo and try out an awesome little beer emporium and spend a lot of time with my bro, Andy, before having to head back to Colorado.

the boys get a close up of the white tiger

hello big kitty! 
Andy and goof around a bit

wouldn't be a stop in Texas without some.... beef jerky?

a GREAT beer place!

Jay and I

baby bro and I

sunrise leaving Texas
It was a short trip, but a great one! Its always nice to know that Jay and I can spend nearly 5 whole days in the car with each other and still love each other :D Until next time!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My new dress in action!

This past weekend was Fall Feis up in Loveland, Colorado.  It was also my first feis debuting my new dress!! I was crazy excited to wear it and feel like it added a little boost to my confidence while on stage dancing.
First, let me start by saying the I spent Saturday trying to come up with something for my hair.  Yes, for my hair. You see, the dress came with one of those giant headbands that get put into a wig. But... I don't ever wear a full wig for competition, so I needed to figure something else out. Thank goodness for Hobby Lobby! I was able to put something together that was fun, me, and fit with my dress.

 My mom and Jay took the obligatory photos of me posing in my new finery.  See the front (above) and the back (below). In both pictures you can see the blue and black feathers in my hair. :) I was quite proud of my creation!
 Jay tried to get a few pictures of me actually dancing, but the distance and the lighting made it difficult with my point and shoot camera.  I liked this one though, because my legs were crossed and my feet were turned out! Looking good... at least I think so :)
 The only other picture from this weekend was taken of my fellow dancer/classmate and I. Since our dresses are very similar in coloring.... we made sure not to stand next to each other on stage.
It was a pretty good day! New dress, good placings, good fun.  And, my old dress found new life with one of the other adult dancers who made Fall Feis her first &over feis. Congrats Kathleen!! She'll be borrowing my dress until she gets a solo of her own, but it looks good for now and I hope it brings Kathleen as much luck as it did for me!
Blurry, but thats my dress dancing on the left!

While I love, love, love my old dress, I am excited for my new one and hopefully with the way I dance in it.  Thanks a million, mom. :) Until next feis ... in January. I have a lot of work to do and hope my placings will show it!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween Part 2

So... I promised that there would be a part 2 to our Halloween adventures. And there was!! For the second time, Jay and I participated in Courtnay and Rob's annual Haunted House. Rob is the master planner and comes up with a pretty  fantastic haunted house, in their FRONT YARD! Sounds silly, I know. But, I promise, its not. :) Last year Jay and I were in the "O.R". Meaning...Jay was the crazy doctor operating on me... and I was the still awake and alive patient! It was a lot of fun, see?

This year, I have more pictures, thanks to Miss Stace, who came out to hang out out, but didn't really participate in the scare factor. It was so much fun having her there!!

Stace wrote all about our adventures in her blog, but I wanted to share a couple of pics here.

 Jay and I were asked to be gravediggers this year.... ooooh! Stace got this shot of us before all the shenanigans started.
 See that coffin on the ground? Before long, I ended up inside of it. As people walked by I would pound on the inside and scream to be let out.... creepy!

This was my view from inside the coffin! It wasn't really that bad, as I was lying on the grass and had plenty of air. :)
 Jay looked extra creepy in the lights as it got darker... excuse the pictures, I could only get my phone in my pocket...hard to take too much stuff with you to the coffin. ;)
Every once in a while, Jay would open up the top of the coffin and check on me :) This is one of the shots I took looking up at him.

All in all it was another GREAT year of scares and fun.  Thanks to Court and Rob for putting it all together again... we can't wait until next year!