Monday, April 4, 2016

Here we are, starting April

...and I haven't updated in too long!  A lot has been happening. Some good, some bad. But let me see if I can recap a bit.

First, my beautiful friend Charlie turned 21! (Hush, I know it makes me seem old).  I planned a night out with a group of really fun dance ladies and Charlie.  Unfortunately, Charlie was fighting an epic cold bug, so it wasn't the craziest night ever. BUT... it was a ridiculous amount of fun anyway!

Next up, Lord of the Dance!  Charlie and I went to see the totally awesome show with Courtnay and her fam.  It was wonderful!!! And, my favorite part, when watching the show was the ability to thing to myself, "hey, I can do that!" Maybe not as pretty... but I could still do what they were doing.  SO COOL.

St. Patrick's Day was next.  This year, I danced only with the Denver and District Pipe Band.  Usually I dance with the band and the school. But this year.... band only.  That dance saga will be a whole separate post. Soon. I promise.  Anyway, as always it was a blast!! Mom tagged along as dance mom/driver/bodyguard ;).  I was able to dance with some really great people and awesome pipers and drummers.  We have a very talented group of people in the band right now, and I love listening to them.

Glitter and green was the theme for St. Pats 2016.  Until next year... :) Another post to follow with more updates, pictures and the whole dance saga.   Seriously, check back for that one. :D