Spring has sprung! Sort of. Well, not really at all if you look at how the weather has been for the last 3 weeks. It has rained for the last 9 days straight. 9 DAYS! I mean, we need the moisture and all... but where is the sun?
To help bring some sunshine to my life... I am going to (finally) post about some hikes from April. Anne and I went, Jay and I went and all three of us went together! I love it.
Anne and I headed up for a hike at Mt. Galbraith. She and B had done that one last summer and didn't like it. They had a hard time navigating the trail markers. I finally convinced Anne to try it again, and we are glad we did! We went counter-clockwise on the loop and it was much more obviously marked!
Let's see... Jay and I headed down south for a hike at Spruce Mountain. That was a 5 mile hike that felt easy! It was a beautiful day too, which helped.
Then Jay and I hiked up at Mount Falcon. Anne and I started our hiking adventures there nearly 2 years ago!! I love it up there. Surprisingly. when we went, there was still some snow on the ground. (Yes, I am aware there is a lot of snow on the ground in the mountains now, don't remind me, its May)
The three of us then did a hike up near Boulder. Meyer Ranch hike. That was really nice as well, but not one you'd want to do in the heat of summer. It was very open and unshaded. But still really cool! We saw some pretty serious fire damage from wildfires a few years back.
Anne and I showing off our awesome pants! |
The last hike that Jay and I did (so far) was out at Roxborough State Park. Its a really pretty area rimmed by the same red rocks that make up the Red Rocks Amphitheater. It was a lovely day then too!!! Bring my sunshine back, Colorado.
So many more hikes to do this summer. I can't wait. We just have to hope it stops raining long enough to get them in!!!