Last week, Jay and I left on our very first trip together... headed to D.C.!!! We had 5 whole days to see all the sites, meet up with my old friends and generally have a good time.
We certainly started off that way....
We packed in a lot of stuff on Friday (after having a fab dinner out on Thursday). We started on the Mall. Jay carried around a big sword ;)
My best friend Jaime and her husband Kurt were nice enough to let us stay with them... and played tourist with us!
We stopped by the World War II Memorial....
we've been friends for a loooong time! |
We also went to the Korean War Memorial (and the Vietnam, but there were too many tourists around to stop and take pictures)
We said hi to Abe Lincoln...
Waved to the President
Went up in the Washington Monument!
Walked around the Cherry Blossom tress (too bad they weren't blooming)
Stopped at the FDR Memorial
Stepped into the Jefferson Memorial
Found what I want for my Birthday at the Natural History Museum
Got eaten by a shark
...went into the National Archives
All in one day.... It was crazy jam-packed! But so much fun. On Saturday, we got up and met my wonderful friend Leslie and her boyfriend for brunch and a wander through the Eastern Market. I haven't seen Leslie in 3 years, and it was great to catch up with her again!!
We seperated from Les and her bf for a while and hit up the National Portrait Gallery, which was really cool, and technically I wasn't allowed to take photos, but I snapped a few anyway, like this one:
That evening we celebrated Leslie's birthday with her friends and food and drink. And... disaster struck. I broke my foot. Yes, seriously. The opposite one from last year. But broken, nonetheless. Let me tell you, that kills the vacation pretty quickly. We spent 5 hours in the ER Saturday night/Sunday morning. Slept most of the day Sunday, and changed our plans to fly back on Monday.
So, early Tuesday morning, I went and saw the Orthopedic. I was expecting the worse news... and received something much better. No surgery required, no cast necessary! I am in a walking boot for at least the next 6 weeks, and barred from dance and other high impact activities for 10 weeks.
IF...the healing goes well.
Broken foot, 3 days after the "incident" most of the swelling has gone down, and no, those are not shadows, those are bruises |
I snapped the pic above at the doctor's office Tuesday morning. Almost all the swelling had gone down, but the colors of my foot nearly match the tattoo on my other foot! I will be eating calcium pills for the rest of my life.
**Side note** I have the best boyfriend ever. Seriously. I don't know what I would have done without him, his physical presense, his support, his hugs and his kisses. My tears and emotional outbursts and break downs (anger, pain, frustration, annoyance, embarrassment - I have covered all the emotions) were met with smiles, hugs and kisses and words of encouragement. He has always been a great guy, but he turned into a pillar of strength for me... and I am so incredibly thankful!